The average house price on HOUGH TREE TERRACE is £158,728
The most expensive house in the street is 5 HOUGH TREE TERRACE with an estimated value of £164,331
The cheapest house in the street is 7 HOUGH TREE TERRACE with an estimated value of £146,022
The house which was most recently sold was 5 HOUGH TREE TERRACE, this sold on 31 Jan 2022 for £155,000
The postcode for HOUGH TREE TERRACE is LS13 4HS
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 HOUGH TREE TERRACE Terraced , 62 m2 £163,572 £95,000 16 Mar 2012
3 HOUGH TREE TERRACE Terraced , 49 m2 £160,990 £119,000 17 May 2016
5 HOUGH TREE TERRACE Terraced , 67 m2 £164,331 £155,000 31 Jan 2022
7 HOUGH TREE TERRACE Terraced , 95 m2 £146,022 £131,000 14 Oct 2021